• Welcome 5th Grade

    Dear 5th Graders,

             Welcome to 5th grade!! You are the leaders of Memorial Elementary! Get ready for a year full of excitement, great opportunities, and lots of learning! You are about to become part of a powerful team of learners built to support each other on this fifth grade journey! We will guide you as you launch rockets, argue about chocolate milk, plan a 1,000 mile trip, explore authors and genres, learn about the birth of our country, and so much more! You will exercise the powers of your brain, gaining new insights into the world around you! We cannot wait to watch you grow!

    Please make sure you have your folders and your notebooks ready to be labeled and organized on the first day of school. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Enjoy the rest of your summer! I cannot wait for our new year together to begin! 

    Mrs. Dill