• Soaring  

    Soaring to New Heights in Room 1206!



    Reading: Bigger Books Amp Up Reading Power

    In the first bend of this unit, students will revisit what it looks like and sounds like to read books with a smooth, expressive voice. In the second bend children explore figurative language and how it builds their understanding of the text. In the last bend students learn to keep track of a storyline in longer books to prepare them for the challenges of higher levels.


    Writing: Poetry

    The unit will deepen children’s understandings of poetry by teaching them how poets see and hear the world differently and how they, too, can do and see with “poet’s eyes.” Using authors as mentors, students will explore and play with language to convey feelings, develop moods and create rhythms in their own poems. Reading like writers, students will also learn about and try out various natural structures that poets choose (story poems, list poems, mask poems) to convey meaning in their poems.


    Unit 6 – Whole Number Operations and Number Stories

    In this unit children collect and display data about pockets on two different kinds of graphs.  They are introduced to Comparison Number Stories and Two Step Number Stories.  Later in this unit, they share and record their own invented strategies for addition, and learn a formal addition strategy called the Partial Sums Addition Strategy.  In Lesson 6.6, students make ballpark estimates. 


    Social Studies: Unit 4 – All About Work

    In this unit, we will be learning all about work. The students will learn about various types of jobs, including those carried out by community workers, volunteers, and at-home workers. They will learn the difference between needs and wants, and how to meet them. We will also explore the benefits of trading goods internationally.


    Science – Balance and Motion

    We live in a dynamic world where everything is in motion, or so it seems. In this unit the students will investigate that not everything is moving the same way. Some things move from one place to another. Other things rotate around and around. Still other things are stationary, stable for a time, balanced on a thin line between stop and go. Other objects move back and forth or vibrate. The students will create and use representational models to demonstrate stable balanced systems. They will construct and evaluate toys that demonstrate spinning, and explain how they operate. The students will also design runways to control or change the motion of marbles.  Throughout the unit the students will communicate observations and compare stability and motion, using precise vocabulary.


    Health: Second Step – Unit 2

    By second grade, students have gained a sense of independence and self-awareness and are ready to start solving problems on their own.  The research based Second Step program helps them acquire skills that can lead to gains in confidence and school success. The second unit focuses on empathy.   Students will participate in activities to help them identify feelings, be more confident, respect different preferences, show compassion and predict feelings.  Our second graders will also participate in Superflex lessons and class meetings.