Important Dates
Thurday, Sept 5 - First Day!
Monday, Sept 16 - Back to School Night!
Monday/Tuesday Sept 30/31 - No School
Online Parent Access
Please be sure to log in to the EB Parent Access.
Important information about your child and forms to fill out will be found there.
You can find it at
Home Folder and Agenda
Each night your child will come home with a Home Folder.
It will include an Agenda Book in which
your child will write their Homework and Reminders.
It will also be used to write notes between me and you.
Please check this every night and sign it so I know you saw it.
Be sure to return it each day.
A "Friday Folder" also goes home with important notices from the school.
Please return on Mondays.
Contacting Me
Please feel free to reach out to me with any
questions, concerns, or information you need to tell me.
The best way to contact me is through email.
Flipgrid Videos
Stay tuned for information about this interactive tool we will be using throughout the year!
We have a student with a life-threatening allergy to peanuts and tree nuts.
Please do not send in any snacks containing these products.
Please refer to the letter sent home for details.
Donations Welcomed!!
We are in need of games for Indoor Recess.
If you have any gently used ones,
we would appreciate the donation to our class.
Thank you!
Enjoy the Ride Through 2nd Grade!