• Clubs & Activities 2023 - 2024

    Educating the whole child through student clubs is important to us.  In order for us to maintain our valuable and enriching co-curricular activities, while at the same time maintaining a balanced budget, students will be charged a non-refundable fee for participation in extra curricular activities. The non-refundable fee for joining each club will be $15. In addition, any costs associated with the club will be paid for directly by students or through fund raising. Excluded from the $15 fee at Warnsdorfer is the Safety Patrol.

    Grades: 3 - 4
    Meets: Monday at 8:00 AM
    Advisor: Renee Soccodato

    The Chorus provides students with opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and skills achieved in music class. Students continue to build their vocal skills by performing songs, both in unison, as well as 2- and 3-part harmony. While the focus is on vocal performance, students also explore the elements of music, such as note reading, rhythm, and occasionally provide instrumental accompaniment for concert pieces. The varied repertoire covers a range of themes, styles and cultures. The Chorus performs two concerts annually in the Winter and Spring and is open to all interested fourth and fifth grade students.   


    Early Act
    Grades: 2-4
    Meets: Every other Wednesday at 8:15 AM
    Advisor:  Nicole Ilaria 

    Provides students with an opportunity to work together toward community service and international understanding. Sponsored by the Rotary Club, it offers development of both leadership skills and teamwork.


    Safety Patrol (NO FEE) 
    Grade: 4
    MUST have approval from club advisor in order to register for this club
    Meets:  Every Other Tuesday 8:15 AM
    Advisor: Annemarie Kurdes and Iman Shah

    Works with East Brunswick Police and school personnel to promote school safety by providing student patrols. Promotes and helps with safety in the school. Safety Patrol members help the younger students get to their classrooms safely, find their bus at the end of the day, and monitor the hallways for the safety of everyone. Safety Patrol members are role models for expected appropriate behavior in school.


    Grades: 2-4
    Meets: Every Thursday at 8:00 AM
    Advisor: Samantha Allen & Taylor Felicetta

    Provides opportunities for students to explore our outdoors. We plant flowers, clean-up the grounds and feed the birds. We work to encourage everyone to recycle. We instill a pride for our school.


    Student Council
    Grade: 3-4
    MUST have approval from club advisor in order to register for this club
    Meets:  Thursdays 8:00 AM

    Advisor: Caroline Jordan and Nicole Ilaria
    Plans and implements school service projects that benefit the community. Coordinates school activities, student government, promotes school spirit. Serves as an extension of the social studies units on community and civics. Works on a variety of activities that help the school, the local community and the entire world.


    Video Newsmakers
    Grade: 4
    Meets: Tuesday 8:15 AM
    Advisors: Lise Noppenberger & Jennifer Traversone

    Students will be broadcasting the morning announcements via our closed circuit television system.  They will rotate jobs of running the camera, operating the prompter, being the news anchor and meteorologist throughout the school year.