- Memorial Elementary School
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Welcome to Second Grade.
Dear Second Grade Families,
Welcome Back to a new school year at Memorial Elementary School. I am so excited to be joining your child on his or her journey through school. I expect this year to be filled with innovative experiences, new friends and most of all - lots of learning. I hope that you and your children had an enjoyable and restful summer! I am dedicated to helping your child reach their full potential this year, while creating a comfortable environment rich in many learning experiences.
In order to ensure a smooth transition, please make note of the following:
We will have snack daily. Please send in a healthy snack that your child is able to open on his/her own. Also, only a small bottle of water is permitted in the classroom during snack. Our classroom does have a water fountain.
HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned every evening except Friday. Please check and sign homework daily. In 2rd grade, reading time should be 20 minutes or longer on their level. The children are expected to read each night. The required reading may include: books, articles, magazines. Students will be given a monthly reading log to log in their daily reading time.
Other homework will be assigned in students’ Homework/Take-Home Folders. Homework may include workbook, written work, or worksheets.
PLEASE check your child’s Take Home folder daily! Notices, homework worksheets, and other communication are included in there each day!
Any money or payments sent into school must be in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, date, and purpose for the money.
I am looking forward to an exciting and enriching school year with your children! Please keep the lines of communication open, and together we will work to establish a positive classroom community. If at any time you wish to contact me via email, please use the following:
Mrs. Donato