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Alternate Transportation

Alternate Transportation

The East Brunswick Board of Education offers a limited Alternate Transportation Program for specific eligible students. To ensure the safety and security of your child, a formal procedure has been put into place for parents/guardians to make alternate transportation arrangements to enable your child to receive childcare before and/or after school or appropriate residence transportation.

Requests for alternate transportation to and/or from school will be considered ONLY when:

  • There are extenuating circumstances upon which your request is based (for students K-5th grade) or there is a court order which stipulates “joint custody” or “dual residence”.
  • The student is eligible for transportation based on residence.
  • The alternate location is within the boundaries of the school of attendance and there is room on the bus that travels the route to the alternate location.
  • Keeping in mind the safety and security of students, requests for alternate transportation to and from the designated location will only be considered if the request applies to each and every school day throughout the school year. (Dual Residence applicants must submit a calendar based on the court ordered arrangement.

Please select from the following Alternate Transportation Requests: