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Gifted and Talented Education

Daniel Moran
Supervisor of Social Studies and Gifted Education

Magaly Alvarez, Secretary
(732) 613-6766


(Fostering Outstanding, Creative, and Unique Scholars)

East Brunswick Public Schools is committed to providing opportunities for divergent thinking and specialized services for gifted students, both within the classroom and through experiences beyond it.

On January 13, 2020, Governor Murphy signed the “Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act” codifying school district responsibilities in educating gifted and talented students as referenced in N.J.A.C 6A:8-3.1

The “Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act” defines a gifted and talented student as a “student who possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.”

We use multiple measures to identify students.  According to the Act,  “Multiple measures" refers to the use of multiple indicators and sources of evidence of student assessment, of varying kinds, gathered at multiple points in time. Some examples might include but are not limited to: achievement test scores; ability assessments; intelligence testing, student performance or products, talent portfolios, and parent, student, and/or teacher observations and recommendations. 

The Gifted Programming Standards, Position Statements, and White Papers of the National Association for Gifted Children have been thoughtfully considered in the identification and support of our gifted and talented students.

If you have any questions about gifted services, please reach out to Dr. Daniel Moran, Supervisor of Social Studies and Gifted Services, at or call 732-613-6766.

Grade Levels
Multiple Measures of Identification
Timeline for Parental Notification
Continuum of Gifted Services

The Naglieri General Ability Test is a norm-referenced assessment designed to identify students with exceptional general intellectual abilities and academic aptitude. Along with the Teacher Observation Inventory (TOI), the Naglieri General Ability Test is utilized as a tool to recognize these exceptional qualities in students.

"Gifted and talented student" means a student who possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the school district and who requires modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.

In February, parents will be notified if their child demonstrates a need for gifted educational services, which are scheduled to begin thereafter.
Tier 1: All K-6 students will engage in whole-class gifted instruction throughout the year, emphasizing divergent thinking and metacognition.
Tier 2: K-4 students identified as likely gifted will participate in periodic pull-out instruction.
The SAGES-3 is a norm-referenced assessment designed to identify students with exceptional general intellectual abilities and academic aptitude. Along with the Teacher Observation Inventory (TOI), the SAGES-3 is utilized as a tool to recognize these exceptional qualities in students.

"Gifted and talented student" means a student who possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the school district and who requires modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.
By the end of November, parents will be notified if their child qualifies for gifted educational services, which are scheduled to begin thereafter.
Tier 1: All 5-6 students will engage in whole-class gifted instruction throughout the year, emphasizing divergent thinking and metacognition.
Tier 2: 5-6 students identified as likely gifted will participate in periodic pull-out instruction.
Tier 3: 5-6 students identified as very likely gifted will participate in pull-out instruction in addition to receiving Tier 2 services.
"Gifted and talented student" means a student who possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the school district and who requires modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.
By mid-August, parents will be notified if their child qualifies for advanced classes, which are scheduled to begin on the first day of school.
The district meets students' needs with a diverse range of courses, including electives, honors, and AP options, as well as clubs, leadership activities, and independent study opportunities. A variety of co-curricular activities, academic contests, and student-led initiatives further support students' unique passions and goals.


Non-Compliance Reporting

“C.18A:35-38 Complaint for noncompliance. 5. a. An individual who believes that a school district has not complied with the provisions of this act may file a complaint with the board of education. The right to file a complaint shall be set forth in the board’s policy on gifted and talented education. The policy shall be linked to the homepage of the board’s Internet website. The board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter." Please direct all inquiries to Dr. Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools

Frequently Asked Questions