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Elementary and Middle School Reading

Reading in Grades K-7

In the primary grades, the basic goal of reading instruction is to instill in students a love of books and reading.

In kindergarten, students are introduced to basic concepts such as left to right progression, letters and words, sentences, sequence of events and story elements. Students who are able to read when they enter kindergarten are evaluated and programs are designed to meet their needs.

All grade levels feature an integrated language arts approach based on outstanding children’s literature. Instruction is provided in large, small and individualized settings. Grouping is flexible and may be adjusted at any time during the school year.

In the upper elementary grades and at the middle school, students continue to improve and develop their literacy skills through the use of literature in an integrated language arts approach. They are taught to infer, grasp main ideas, understand supporting details and interpret situations encountered in their reading.

In junior high school, students who need additional help in reading are enrolled in the district’s basic skills improvement program. They continue to take reading in subsequent years until they reach the proficiency level required by the district and the state.

Recommended Reading for Students-Grades K-5

Suggested Book Lists

Books To Read List Gr. Kindergarten

Books To Read List Gr. 1

Books To Read List Gr. 2

Books To Read List Gr. 3

Books To Read List Gr. 4

Books To Read List Gr. 5

Books To Read List Levels C-M

Resource for Choosing Just Right Books – Your child knows his/her INDEPENDENT READING LEVEL. While this is a resource for purchasing books, just put the title of a book in the search, and you will see the level of the book. Click on the link for the book and you will even get a brief summary that will help you talk about the book with your child.