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Social Studies

East Brunswick High School

In order for students to gain a greater understanding of the world around them, they need to explore significant themes that have been pervasive throughout human history. The social studies curriculum assists students in understanding the experiences and contributions of people from all ethnic and socioeconomic groups in America’s multicultural society. 

The social studies program teaches students the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy. Courses are taught in-depth rather than simply attempting to “cover” large amounts of material. Students are also responsible for researching and analyzing information using primary sources. There is an emphasis on the infusion of educational technology in all social studies courses. 

The social studies program develops life skills by emphasizing the understanding of maps, globes, charts, graphs, and diagrams.  The five themes of geography serve a vital role in helping students understand the relationship between human history and the environment. Geography is a major component of World History/World Cultures, while the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War, and contemporary economic, social, and political issues are integral parts of U. S. History II. 

Courses required for graduation are U.S. History I in ninth grade, U.S. History II in tenth grade and World History/Cultures in eleventh grade. 

All social studies course curricula have been aligned to the New Jersey Department of Education Student Learning Standards.

Social Studies Courses

Social Studies Electives

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