Visual and Performing Arts Electives
Churchill Junior High School
Visual and Performing Arts Electives
Students are required to take a total of 15 credits in the Fine, Performing, and Practical Arts in grades 9 – 12. Five credits must be taken in the Fine Arts (visual, performing, or humanities) and five credits must be taken in the Practical Arts. The additional five credits can be taken in either of the above areas.
East Brunswick Graduation Requirements
- 5 credits in the Fine Arts and 5 credits in the Practical Arts (5 + 5 = 10)
- 5 additional credits needed in either the Practical Arts or the Fine Arts
- A total of 15 credits in grades 9 – 12
- 2.5 credits of Financial Literacy
Areas that meet the Fine Arts requirement are all courses in:
- Art (Visual Arts)
- Humanities
- Music
- Theater
Click the video below to view an overview of the Churchill Junior High School Arts Department.
Video URL:
Visual Arts Electives
Grade 7
2261 - Art Exploration
Grade 7 | Credits: 2.5
Art Exploration is the art elective course offered to seventh grade students. Art Exploration provides students with an opportunity to experience in greater depth the many varied methods and materials of art media. Exploration and development of line, color, form, texture and space in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects help to develop individual growth and personal expression. The program consists of projects in drawing, painting, 3 dimensional design, printmaking and graphic design.
Grade 8-9
- 2264 - Ceramics Exploration
- 2260 - Three-Dimensional Art and Design
- 2262 - Drawing Exploration
- 2263 - Drawing And Painting
- 2265 - Introduction to Ceramics
- 2266 - Introduction to Digital Photography
- 2270 - Intro to Digital Graphic Arts & Design
2264 - Ceramics Exploration
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course is designed to be an introduction to ceramics as a sculptural medium. Students will learn about the history of ceramics and pottery as well as related vocabulary. Attention will be focused on basic hand-building techniques as well as glaze and underglaze finishes.
2260 - Three-Dimensional Art and Design
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course is designed to be an introduction into three-dimensional art world, working with both additive and subtractive techniques to explore various materials and mediums of production. Students will investigate problem solving techniques to create both representational and more abstract art forms while producing aesthetically pleasing 3-D structures such as kaleidocycles, geodomes, mobiles, and origami. Materials that may be explored, but are not limited to include paper, cardboard, wire, foam core, Styrofoam and Paper Mache.
2262 - Drawing Exploration
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
Basic materials, techniques, and processes employed in drawing are introduced. The proper use of drawing media and composition is emphasized to develop technical skills. Drawing is a skill and this course introduces students to the basic concepts that develop this skill. Students are taught to see their environment through observational studies and represent it in their own artistic manner. Drawing pencils, pen & ink, charcoal, colored pencils, ink wash, and pastels are used. Techniques such as light and shade, perspective rendering, line usage, texture, pattern, crosshatching, and stipple are explored.
2263 - Drawing And Painting
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 I Prerequisite of B or better in Drawing Exploration
The proper use of drawing and painting media is emphasized to develop technical skills. This course utilizes skills and techniques developed in the Drawing Exploration course to explore in more depth the artistic uses for wet and dry media. Students are taught to see their environment through observational studies and use these to represent it in their own artistic manner. Students will be responsible for maintaining a sketchbook as a means for gathering ideas and planning projects to develop growth in their skills and work. Drawing pencils, watercolor, acrylic paint, ink wash, and pastels are used. Techniques such as light and shade, perspective rendering, line usage, and color theory are explored.
2265 - Introduction to Ceramics
Grade 9 | Credits: 2.5 | Prerequisite of B or better in Ceramics Exploration
This is a limited offering class for students meeting the prerequisite. Students learn basic hand-building techniques for forming clay and treating clay surfaces, including ceramic staining and glazing. Throwing techniques on the potter's wheel will be demonstrated. This course serves as a prerequisite to High School Ceramics Workshop.
2266 - Introduction to Digital Photography
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 I No Prerequisite
The course introduces the basic principles of digital photography and photographic composition. Composing images when taking pictures is emphasized. Students use computer applications such as the Adobe Creative Suite to edit, adjust and finalize photographic images. Cameras are supplied for basic assignments.
2270 - Intro to Digital Graphic Arts & Design
Grade 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
Students explore the world of Graphic Design and Digital Art through projects that emphasize Visual Communications. Basic to advanced activities, along with the layout principles are introduced and explored through the newest version of Creative Cloud Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. The course highlights the importance of visually exploring and discussing the creative process through skill development and critique. Coursework is 100% computer based on Macintosh computers. Projects may include, but are not limited to layout and lettering design, black & white ornamental designs, personal logo and skateboard designs, album covers, stamp design, PSA posters, and the Bio Poem collage. A grade of A or higher in this course serves as a pre-requisite to Digital Graphics Art and Design Workshop at EBHS.
Performing Arts Electives
Grade 7
- 2534 - World of Digital Music
- 2524 - World of Theatre
- 2547 - Beginning Piano
- 2501 - Chorus
- 2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
- 2510 - Concert Band Grades 7-8 Brass/Woodwind
- 2530 - Concert Band Grade 7 Percussion
- 2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
- 2511 - Orchestra Grades 7-8
- 2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
- 2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
2534 - World of Digital Music
Grade 7 | Credits: 2.5
This course is open to musically trained students and beginners alike. Students explore basic elements of music: rhythm, melody, form, style, etc. through the use of the school’s MIDI. (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Lab. A wide variety of musical styles are examined including classical, jazz, popular, folk, and musical theater. Course expectations include participation in music performance, composition, and arranging. Assignments of music listening and critique are also components of this course.
2524 - World of Theatre
Grade 7 | Credits: 2.5
Developing speaking skills, personal presentation skills, self-confidence and strategies for memorization are the results of such a course. Emphasis will be placed on development and increased understanding of performance skill. Students will utilize acting techniques and terminology, solo and group performances, improvisational exercises, monologue study and critique to enhance personal performance.
2547 - Beginning Piano
Grade 7 | Credits: 2.5
This course introduces the fundamentals of playing any keyboard instrument. A music technology lab equipped with MIDI keyboards, computers and headsets will be used to learn to read and play music in the treble and bass clef using two hands. It is recommended that students have access to an instrument at home or outside of school. This course is intended for students that have no prior piano experience.
2501 - Chorus
Grade 7 | Credits: 5
Chorus at the Junior High School is a full-year elective that develops the interest of the student who enjoys singing using a widely varied repertoire of grade appropriate music. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theater songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn basic choral techniques: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. Basic concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. The Churchill Chorus prepares and performs one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
Related Courses:
2502 - Chorus (S)
Grade 7 | Credits: 2.5
A semester option exists only for students with schedule conflicts on a limited availability basis.
2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Honors Chamber Choir is an honors-level course open to a limited number of singers through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform choral repertoire of greater difficulty written for three or four parts. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theatre songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn increasingly advanced choral techniques: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. More advanced concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. Students are encouraged to audition for Region Choral groups. The Churchill Choral Groups prepare and perform one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
2510 - Concert Band Grades 7-8 Brass/Woodwind
Grades 7-8 | Credits: 5
This section is designed for students with prior experience playing a brass or woodwind instrument. These courses are similar to previous band classes, with more in-depth study included and more advanced literature performed. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required to complete assigned scales, etudes, technical studies, and performance literature successfully. Band students must attend extra after school and evening rehearsals and public performances. Qualified students are encouraged to audition for Region Band. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the band program or a minimum six months of study with a private teacher (documentation required). New students must complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are oboe, bassoon, french horn, trombone, baritone horn, or tuba. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2530 - Concert Band Grade 7 Percussion
Grades 7 | Credits: 5
Concert Band (Percussion) is open to any student playing a percussion instrument. Students study and perform standard literature written or transcribed for concert band and percussion ensemble. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
Grade 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Wind Ensemble is an honors-level course open to a limited number of wind players and percussionists through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for wind band. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are highly encouraged to audition for Region Band. Due to the definition of a Wind Ensemble, placement is limited and based upon the need for a balance of instrumentation. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Concert Band.
2511 - Orchestra Grades 7-8
Grades 7-8 | Credits: 5
This course is similar to the sixth grade orchestra, except more in depth study is included and more advanced orchestral literature is performed. Students learn orchestral bowings, applications and technique. Qualified eighth graders are encouraged to audition for the CJMEA Intermediate Region Orchestra. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required and is monitored by the instructor via the assigning of etudes and technical studies. Orchestra students must attend extra after school rehearsals, group lessons and public performances. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the orchestra program or a minimum of six months to a year of private study (documentation required). New students will complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are cello, viola, and string bass.
2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Select Orchestra is a full year honors level course open to a limited number of 8th & 9th grade string players (violin, viola, cello and bass) accepted through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained through the Music Department. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students will increase their technical proficiency on their instrument. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are encouraged to audition for Intermediate or HS Region and Intermediate or HS All-State Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience of comparable difficulty. Instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for balance between violins, violas, cellos and basses.
2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Advanced Orchestra is an honors-level course open to a limited number of string players through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for string orchestra. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are expected to audition for Region Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience. Due to the definition of the Advanced Orchestra, instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for a balance between violins, violas, celli, and basses.
Grade 8
- 2515 - Theater Arts and Communication
- 2273 - Filmmaking
- 2514 - The World of Digital Music
- 2543 - Beginning Piano Grades 8-9
- 2545 - Piano Lab
- 2513 - Chorus Grades 8-9
- 2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
- 2510 - Concert Band Grades 7-8 Brass/Woodwind
- 2517 - Concert Band Grades 8-9 Percussion
- 2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
- 2511 - Orchestra Grades 7-8
- 2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
- 2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
2515 - Theater Arts and Communication
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
Whether you are on your way to Broadway or the board room of a corporation, everyone needs practice in communicating who they are and what they want in a way that is inspiring and engaging. This class will help students improve in the art of public speaking, dealing with "on your feet" problem solving, thinking creatively, and getting rid of stage fright, giving students the collaborative life skills needed in today's workforce. Class activities include, but are not limited to writing scenes and performing them, designing sets and costumes, and practicing improvisation and other practical theatrical skills.
2273 - Filmmaking
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 (Prerequisite- Completion of Theater Arts and Communication 2515)
This course offers a more advanced theater experience that builds upon the skills learned in Theater Arts and Communication. We live in a digital age and students today are in tune with popular videos on YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, etc. They are already thinking like filmmakers. This semester course will give students further hands-on experience working with professional video equipment and creating films utilizing some of the same processes as Hollywood filmmakers. Students will practice storyboarding, directing, acting, lighting, screenwriting and cinematography. Each student will work in a film team to design and create a public service announcement, a silent film, a thriller and a comedy movie.
2514 - The World of Digital Music
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course is open to musically trained students and beginners alike. Students explore basic elements of music: rhythm, melody, form, style, etc. through the use of the school’s MIDI. (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Lab. A wide variety of musical styles are examined including classical, jazz, popular, folk, and musical theater. Course expectations include participation in music performance, composition, and arranging. Assignments of music listening and critique are also components of this course.
2543 - Beginning Piano Grades 8-9
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course introduces the fundamentals of playing any keyboard instrument. A music technology lab equipped with MIDI keyboards, computers and headsets will be used to learn to read and play music in the treble and bass clef using two hands. It is recommended that students have access to an instrument at home or outside of school. This course is intended for students that have no prior piano experience.
2545 - Piano Lab
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 | Prerequisite: B or higher within previous year in Beginning Piano or Teacher Recommendation
This course will provide an opportunity for students who have completed Beginning Piano to continue their development as keyboard musicians. In addition, by allowing course admission by audition, this course can provide an appropriate placement for students who have acquired some level of piano proficiency through private lessons. It is recommended that students have access to an instrument at home or outside of school for independent practice.
2513 - Chorus Grades 8-9
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 5
Chorus at the Junior High School is a full-year elective that develops the interest of the student who enjoys singing using a widely varied repertoire of grade appropriate music. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theater songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn basic choral technique: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. Basic concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. The Churchill Chorus prepares and performs one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
Related Course:
2512 - Chorus Grades 8-9 Semester
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 | Semester option for students with schedule conflicts on a limited availability basis
2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Honors Chamber Choir is an honors-level course open to a limited number of singers through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform choral repertoire of greater difficulty written for three or four parts. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theatre songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn increasingly advanced choral techniques: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. More advanced concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. Students are encouraged to audition for Region Choral groups. The Churchill Choral Groups prepare and perform one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
2510 - Concert Band Grades 7-8 Brass/Woodwind
Grades 7-8 | Credits: 5
This section is designed for students with prior experience playing a brass or woodwind instrument. These courses are similar to previous band classes, with more in-depth study included and more advanced literature performed. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required to complete assigned scales, etudes, technical studies, and performance literature successfully. Band students must attend extra after school and evening rehearsals and public performances. Qualified students are encouraged to audition for Region Band. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the band program or a minimum six months of study with a private teacher (documentation required). New students must complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are oboe, bassoon, french horn, trombone, baritone horn, or tuba. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2517 - Concert Band Grades 8-9 Percussion
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 5
Concert Band (Percussion) is open to any student playing a percussion instrument. Students study and perform standard literature written or transcribed for concert band and percussion ensemble. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
Grade 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Wind Ensemble is an honors-level course open to a limited number of wind players and percussionists through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for wind band. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are highly encouraged to audition for Region Band. Due to the definition of a Wind Ensemble, placement is limited and based upon the need for a balance of instrumentation. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Concert Band.
2511 - Orchestra Grades 7-8
Grades 7-8 | Credits: 5
This course is similar to the sixth grade orchestra, except more in depth study is included and more advanced orchestral literature is performed. Students learn orchestral bowings, applications and technique. Qualified eighth graders are encouraged to audition for the CJMEA Intermediate Region Orchestra. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required and is monitored by the instructor via the assigning of etudes and technical studies. Orchestra students must attend extra after school rehearsals, group lessons and public performances. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the orchestra program or a minimum of six months to a year of private study (documentation required). New students will complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are cello, viola, and string bass.
2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Select Orchestra is a full year honors level course open to a limited number of 8th & 9th grade string players (violin, viola, cello and bass) accepted through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained through the Music Department. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students will increase their technical proficiency on their instrument. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are encouraged to audition for Intermediate or HS Region and Intermediate or HS All-State Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience of comparable difficulty. Instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for balance between violins, violas, cellos and basses.
2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Advanced Orchestra is an honors-level course open to a limited number of string players through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for string orchestra. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are expected to audition for Region Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience. Due to the definition of the Advanced Orchestra, instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for a balance between violins, violas, celli, and basses.
Grade 9
- 2515 - Theater Arts and Communication
- 2273 - Filmmaking
- 2543 - Beginning Piano Grades 8-9
- 2545 - Piano Lab
- 2514 - The World of Digital Music
- 2513 - Chorus Grades 8-9
- 2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
- 2517 - Concert Band Grades 8-9 Percussion
- 2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
- 2509 - Freshman Band Brass/Woodwind
- 2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
- 2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
- 2503 - Freshman Orchestra
2515 - Theater Arts and Communication
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
Whether you are on your way to Broadway or the board room of a corporation, everyone needs practice in communicating who they are and what they want in a way that is inspiring and engaging. This class will help students improve in the art of public speaking, dealing with "on your feet" problem solving, thinking creatively, and getting rid of stage fright, giving students the collaborative life skills needed in today's workforce. Class activities include, but are not limited to writing scenes and performing them, designing sets and costumes, and practicing improvisation and other practical theatrical skills.
2273 - Filmmaking
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 (Prerequisite- Completion of Theater Arts and Communication 2515)
This course offers a more advanced theater experience that builds upon the skills learned in Theater Arts and Communication. We live in a digital age and students today are in tune with popular videos on YouTube, Netflix, Amazon, etc. They are already thinking like filmmakers. This semester course will give students further hands-on experience working with professional video equipment and creating films utilizing some of the same processes as Hollywood filmmakers. Students will practice storyboarding, directing, acting, lighting, screenwriting and cinematography. Each student will work in a film team to design and create a public service announcement, a silent film, a thriller and a comedy movie.
2543 - Beginning Piano Grades 8-9
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course introduces the fundamentals of playing any keyboard instrument. A music technology lab equipped with MIDI keyboards, computers and headsets will be used to learn to read and play music in the treble and bass clef using two hands. It is recommended that students have access to an instrument at home or outside of school. This course is intended for students that have no prior piano experience.
2545 - Piano Lab
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 | Prerequisite: B or higher within previous year in Beginning Piano or Teacher Recommendation
This course will provide an opportunity for students who have completed Beginning Piano to continue their development as keyboard musicians. In addition, by allowing course admission by audition, this course can provide an appropriate placement for students who have acquired some level of piano proficiency through private lessons. It is recommended that students have access to an instrument at home or outside of school for independent practice.
2514 - The World of Digital Music
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5
This course is open to musically trained students and beginners alike. Students explore basic elements of music: rhythm, melody, form, style, etc. through the use of the school’s MIDI. (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Lab. A wide variety of musical styles are examined including classical, jazz, popular, folk, and musical theater. Course expectations include participation in music performance, composition, and arranging. Assignments of music listening and critique are also components of this course.
2513 - Chorus Grades 8-9
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 5
Chorus at the Junior High School is a full-year elective that develops the interest of the student who enjoys singing using a widely varied repertoire of grade appropriate music. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theater songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn basic choral technique: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. Basic concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. The Churchill Chorus prepares and performs one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
Related Course:
2512 - Chorus Grades 8-9 Semester
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 2.5 | Semester option for students with schedule conflicts on a limited availability basis
2505 - Honors Chamber Choir
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Honors Chamber Choir is an honors-level course open to a limited number of singers through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform choral repertoire of greater difficulty written for three or four parts. Pieces may include classical selections, festival literature, folk arrangements, popular music, musical theatre songs, spirituals and selections from world choral music. Students learn increasingly advanced choral techniques: breathing, intonation, score reading, articulation, and diction. More advanced concepts of theory, sight-singing with solfege, and ear-training are further developed. Students are encouraged to audition for Region Choral groups. The Churchill Choral Groups prepare and perform one concert each semester. Small ensembles, duets, and solos may be performed in the rehearsal setting to add to the performing experience. Attendance at all rehearsals and formal concerts is required.
2517 - Concert Band Grades 8-9 Percussion
Grades 8-9 | Credits: 5
Concert Band (Percussion) is open to any student playing a percussion instrument. Students study and perform standard literature written or transcribed for concert band and percussion ensemble. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2508 - Honors Wind Ensemble
Grade 7-8-9 | Credits: 5
Wind Ensemble is an honors-level course open to a limited number of wind players and percussionists through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for wind band. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are highly encouraged to audition for Region Band. Due to the definition of a Wind Ensemble, placement is limited and based upon the need for a balance of instrumentation. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Concert Band.
2509 - Freshman Band Brass/Woodwind
Grades 9 | Credits: 5
This section is designed for students with prior experience playing a brass or woodwind instrument. These courses are similar to previous band classes, with more in-depth study included and more advanced literature performed. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required to complete assigned scales, etudes, technical studies, and performance literature successfully. Band students must attend extra after school and evening rehearsals and public performances. Qualified students are encouraged to audition for Region Band. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the band program or a minimum six months of study with a private teacher (documentation required). New students must complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are oboe, bassoon, french horn, trombone, baritone horn, or tuba. Churchill students who wish to participate in the high school marching band must maintain enrollment in this course or the Wind Ensemble.
2521 - Honors Select Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Select Orchestra is a full year honors level course open to a limited number of 8th & 9th grade string players (violin, viola, cello and bass) accepted through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained through the Music Department. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students will increase their technical proficiency on their instrument. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are encouraged to audition for Intermediate or HS Region and Intermediate or HS All-State Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience of comparable difficulty. Instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for balance between violins, violas, cellos and basses.
2522 - Honors Advanced Orchestra
Grades 7-8-9 | Credits: 5 | Prerequisite: Successful completion of an audition
Advanced Orchestra is an honors-level course open to a limited number of string players through an audition process. Audition requirements may be obtained from the Music Department. Students study and perform music of greater difficulty written for string orchestra. Students are expected to attend group lessons, which are offered on a rotating schedule throughout the school day. Through group lessons and private practice, students increase their technical proficiency on their instruments. Students are required to attend all after-school and evening rehearsals and all scheduled performances. Students are expected to audition for Region Orchestra. Students not able to audition must complete an alternative performance experience. Due to the definition of the Advanced Orchestra, instrumentation is limited and based upon the need for a balance between violins, violas, celli, and basses.
2503 - Freshman Orchestra
Grade 9 | Credits: 5
This course is similar to the grades 7/8 orchestra, except more in depth study is included and more advanced orchestral literature is performed. Students learn orchestral bowings, applications and technique. Qualified ninth graders are eligible to audition for the CJMEA Senior Region Orchestra. Group lessons are part of the course requirement and are offered on a rotating schedule. Daily home practice is required and is monitored by the instructor via the assigning of etudes and technical studies. Orchestra students must attend extra after school rehearsals, group lessons and public performances. There is a prerequisite of prior participation in the orchestra program or a minimum of six months to a year of private study (documentation required). New students will complete an informal audition with the director to determine eligibility before enrolling. Instruments that students are encouraged to begin are cello, viola, and string bass.