English Courses-14152
Churchill Junior High School
English Courses
All East Brunswick students are required to take English every year from grades 7-12. Seventh grade students must take English 7 or English 7 Honors. Eighth grade students must take English 8 or English 8 Honors. Ninth grade students must take English 9 or English 9 Honors.
Each of the required courses emphasizes the major strands of the language arts:
- Reading—analysis, interpretation, and evaluation of significant works of literature.
- Writing—emphasis on expository writing in a variety of modes for a variety of audiences.
- Speaking—large and small group discussion, individual presentations.
- Listening—active and purposeful engagement.
- Viewing—utilization of media literacy.
- Skills—research skills and application, vocabulary development, grammar/syntax/usage, study skills.
It is strongly recommended that all students enroll in those courses that will optimize the development of lifelong communication skills and the opportunity for further education.