2023-2024 Course Guide Introduction
COURSE GUIDE 2023-2024
The major goal of the East Brunswick Public Schools program of studies is to provide students with an academically challenging and personally rewarding educational experience leading to their high school graduation and success in post-high school study or a career. The academic program is designed to provide the foundation and preparedness for all students to maximize their post- secondary options.
Selecting core and elective courses is an important part of planning your program of studies. For parents of Hammarskjold students, this course guide offers a selection of electives that your child may choose along with important information about the course selection process through Parent Access.
For Churchill Junior High School and East Brunswick High School students, this course guide is designed to assist you with the important task of planning your program of studies from grades 7-12. Throughout your junior and senior high school years, you, your counselor, teachers and your parents will work cooperatively and collaboratively to help you plan and prepare for your post-secondary goals. Your school counselor is always available to provide whatever supplementary advice or information you may need to make the most appropriate and realistic course selections. Schedule an appointment to see your counselor as often as necessary to discuss test results, grades, college and career goals after high school, or any other matter of concern that arises during your junior/senior high school experience.
To begin, please choose your school below.