Messages from Victor Valeski 2023-2024 School Year
June 19, 2024
Today, the East Brunswick Public Schools released the results of an independent investigation regarding issues with the high school yearbook that resulted in the wrong picture and missing member names for the Jewish Student Union. On June 6, 2024, the Board of Education retained attorney Yaacov Brisman of Brisman Law, who completed his investigation and issued his report on June 18, 2024.
The key findings of the investigation are as follows:
- “I conclude that the use of the incorrect photograph was not purposeful, but rather was a highly unfortunate error. Although [the ‘Lead’ Yearbook Advisor] was incorrect regarding the date that she placed the photograph on the page, it is undeniable that she did place it herself. Further, [the ‘Lead’ Yearbook Advisor] acknowledged that she placed the incorrect photograph on the page. I found [her] credible, and I have no basis to find that she acted out of any animus, racial, religious, or political, towards Jewish or Muslim students.”
- “I find that the Lead Advisor was at best careless, but her actions can also be considered negligent. She should have exercised greater attention to detail when selecting the photograph. She admittedly only “assumed” it was the correct photograph. The photograph clearly has a number of students who are identifiably Muslim. Even accounting for diversity among students, this should have triggered greater awareness. Moreover, as an experienced educator, in light of domestic and international events, [the Lead Advisor] should have had a heightened sense of awareness and sensitivity surrounding students of Jewish ethnicity and/or faith. This sensitivity also holds true for students of the Muslim faith who were clearly identifiable by their dress and who were also mislabeled.”
“While I’m grateful that the results of this investigation show that these actions were serious mistakes without malice, we must now focus on repairing the deep hurt and division that has been created in our school and community,” said Superintendent Victor Valeski. “We take great pride in our diversity and celebrate all of the students, teachers and faculty that make East Brunswick an exemplary district. Working with the Board of Education, we will make sure that there is accountability for the mistakes that were made and take measures, including implementing a tolerance training program for the start of the next school year, to ensure something like this never happens again.”
The report outlines in detail how a photo of Muslim students incorrectly appeared in the section for the Jewish Student Union without the names of the members of the club.
Historically, the photos for Coptic Club, Muslim Student Association, and Jewish Student Union clubs have been commingled in one shared folder and the photo of the Muslim students - like other photos in the folder - was assigned three keywords, including the tag “MSA/JewishSU.” Upon the Yearbook Advisor conducting a search for “Jewish” to find a photo of the Jewish Student Union, the photo of the Muslim students appeared as a result. In addition, although an Editor contacted the Jewish Student Union advisor to request a photograph and roster, the “Yearbook Club did not receive a JSU roster for inclusion in the Groups section.”
In addition, the report includes several recommendations for revising the Yearbook production process with more sophisticated review measures and leaves the decision regarding appropriate disciplinary measures to the Administration.
“This has been a very difficult time for students, parents, teachers and our entire community,” said Board of Education President Laurie Lachs. “We will work with the Superintendent to make changes to the Yearbook creation process and to bring more oversight in the Yearbook review process so that receiving a yearbook will once again be a rite of passage all students will enjoy.”
In accordance with law, staff and student names have been redacted from the report to protect their privacy. The report and exhibits can be downloaded at:
June 7, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools, with a high school yearbook investigation update.
After last night’s Board of Education meeting, the Board and I talked about the pain, heard time and time again, from our EB students, whether Jewish or Muslim. We are investigating cooperative learning tolerance programs intended to address the issues we heard last night.
The yearbook investigation, by independent counsel that was approved by the Board last evening, is already underway. A press release will be prepared once the final report is completed.
A new “club” page reflecting the newly photographed Jewish Club and a roster of their membership is already being printed. Starting Monday, students should return their yearbook to EBHS or the Administration Building, 760 Rt. 18, to have the old club page removed and a new page professionally inserted.
Thank you for your continued collaboration and patience. We remain committed to efforts to unify the East Brunswick school community and we want every student to feel respected and proud to be a member of their school.
June 5, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Our high school yearbook investigation will continue into tomorrow.
As I mentioned impacts to our Jewish students and families earlier today, I want to offer sincere apologies to our Muslim students and families, as well. I am aware that the picture placed in the yearbook has caused pain for our Muslim students and for that I am deeply sorry.
We work every day to foster an inclusive school environment for all EB students, but I realize that new work needs to be done every day to make that a reality.
Have a good night.
June 5, 2024
Good Morning East Brunswick Community.
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools with a critical update.
Yesterday, about 2 PM we were made aware that in yearbooks, distributed only to Seniors, the Jewish Student Union is accompanied by a photograph that is not associated with them in any way. Additionally, names of members of the Jewish Student Union were not published.
What resulted is a page in the yearbook that does not look like any of the others and has been open for interpretation overnight. A variety of press releases were published to social media sites and shared extensively over the past eight hours, as well, further escalating an issue that I am currently investigating.
I am devastated and frustrated. Above all, I personally, along with the entire East Brunswick Board of Education, sincerely apologize for the hurt, pain and anguish this event has caused our Jewish students, their families and the impact this continues to have on the entire EB community. East Brunswick Public Schools has been a pillar educational organization, thriving on our diversity. We do not tolerate bias and we investigate all reported antisemitism.
My investigation is ongoing. I will employ outside resources to assist with the investigation. We do not have all the facts but I will report to the community once I do. I urge the East Brunswick community, the one I have a decade long relationship with, to give me the opportunity to determine the cause and I simply ask individuals and organizations to slow their rush to judgment.
What we have done:
We contacted the Board’s attorney.
We contacted the ACLU for Field Officer support.
We notified the Executive County Superintendent.
We made the Superintendent’s Office the point of contact for the investigation.
We have not distributed yearbooks to any students other than our Seniors.
We have contacted our yearbook publisher.
What we will do:
We will continue our investigation today.
We will coordinate with the publisher to reprint and professionally replace pages of the yearbook.
We will collect yearbooks back from our Seniors.
We will offer counseling to any student requesting it.
What will follow:
The results of the investigation, corrective actions, any warranted discipline and safeguards to prevent any similar recurrences.
As always, contact my office directly at 732-613-6705 with any questions.
April 29, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools, with updated COVID Protocols.
The CDC and NJ Department of Health have updated guidance on COVID Protocols. You are no longer required to remain out of school for 5 days. Rather, COVID isolation is being treated similarly to other viruses. Effective immediately, if you have COVID, you are required to stay home until you are fever free for 24-hours without fever reducing medication and any other symptoms are improving.
Please continue to notify your school nurse via email (documentation is not required). This information will be used solely for the purpose of monitoring for potential outbreaks.
Please speak directly with your school nurse if you have additional questions.
Attachments:CDC_Respiratory_Virus_Guidance.docx (15.8 KB)
RVG-Summary-Graphic-508.pdf (371.2 KB)
April 19, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Next Wednesday, April 24, 2024, I will be hosting a Budget Forum in the JMPAC, at Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School, from 8-9:30 PM.
We will share the recently implemented school funding formula impacts on our state aid funding, our budgetary process, and how we assessed reductions to balance our difficult 2024-2025 budget.
I will also provide an overview of proactive measures we will implement to prepare for next year’s 2025-2026 budget.
April 5, 2024
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As you are aware, we just experienced an earthquake. Students were Sheltered In Place, district wide, and were safe while we assessed any damage to our facilities. We are coordinating directly with the Office of Emergency Management. We had no reports of property damage or personal injuries.
Our facilities assessment is now complete. Students will be released from Shelter In Place and will resume their scheduled student days.
February 16, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As the result of the number of emergency closing days we have used for inclement weather this school year, East Brunswick Public Schools will be in session and have regular school days:
- Monday, February 19th and again on
- Wednesday, April 24th
February 13, 2024
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
This is my promised early morning update. Heavy and dense snow will create unavoidable hazards this morning and into early afternoon.
All East Brunswick Public Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, February 13th.
Please be extremely careful moving heavy/wet snow today.
February 12, 2024
Good Evening East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Tomorrow’s forecasted snow is nearly as unpredictable as last night’s football game. If you are not a fan of football let me put it this way…I have an equal probability of being right or wrong. This is what we will plan tonight to be as safe as possible:
East Brunswick Public Schools will have a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, Tuesday, February 13th, for grades K-12.
The following times will apply:
- Grades 7-12, including full day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 10 AM
- Grades K-6, including full day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 11 AM
- For students in grades 5-12, tomorrow is a B Day
- Bus schedules will be delayed by 2 hours
Our Community Programs Early Learning Academy (ELA) will operate on a modified schedule. Please refer to the Hours section of the ELA website. Early Learning Academy (ELA) School Hours and Delayed Opening Times
All other morning half day preschool programs are canceled. Afternoon half day preschool classes will maintain their normal school hours in session from 12 PM to 2:20 PM.
Morning care will begin at 9 AM at all Elementary Schools including Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School. Breakfast is only available for those students attending the Early Morning Program because the delayed opening start time is so close to the first lunch service.
I will re-evaluate weather conditions in the morning as soon as I have reliable information. I want everyone to be informed that our delay could change to closing if weather conditions warrant such a change.
Just a reminder, as a result of our inclement weather closing days so far this school year, East Brunswick Public Schools will be in session on Monday, February 19th as indicated on our Board approved calendar.
January 18, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Today, we are closely following tomorrow’s snow forecast. It is evident that Mother Nature is taking control tomorrow with snow accumulating throughout the day.
So…I am making the call now. East Brunswick Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, January 19th.
Safe travels tomorrow if you absolutely need to be out.
January 16, 2024
Good Evening East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I am sorry for the late notice. Icing conditions tonight mandate some extra caution in the morning. East Brunswick Public Schools will have a 2-hour delay tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th, for grades K-12. I expect this only to be a delay...not a closure.
The following times will apply tomorrow:
- Grades 7-12, including full-day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 10 AM.
- Grades K-6, including full-day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 11 AM.
- For students in grades 5-12, tomorrow will be a "B Day".
Our Community Programs Early Learning Academy (ELA) will operate on a modified schedule. Please refer to the Hours section of the ELA website. ELA Hours
All other morning half day pre-school programs are canceled. Afternoon half day pre-school classes will maintain their normal school hours. They will be in session from 12 PM to 2:20 PM.
Morning care will begin at 9 AM at all Elementary Schools, including Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School. Breakfast is only available for those students attending the Early Morning Program because delayed breakfast service is so close to lunch.
Please use caution in the morning while walking and traveling.
January 16, 2024
Good Morning East Brunswick Community.
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As promised, I reevaluated this morning. Based on a variety of conditions, East Brunswick Public Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, January 16th.
January 15, 2024
Good Evening East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
It has been a while since we talked about anything with the word “snow” in it. I am sorry! Our snowless streak has come to an end. Based on the forecast throughout tonight, East Brunswick Public Schools will have a 2 hour delay tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16th, for grades K-12.
I am making this early call because I know so many families need to make alternate plans.
The following times will apply tomorrow:
- Grades 7-12, including full day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 10 AM
- Grades K-6, including full day Special Education Programs at those schools, will begin at 11 AM
Our Community Programs Early Learning Academy (ELA) will operate on a modified schedule. Please refer to the Hours section of the ELA website. ELA Hours
All other morning half day pre-school programs are canceled. Afternoon half day pre-school classes will maintain their normal school hours. They will be in session from 12 PM to 2:20 PM.
Morning care will begin at 9 AM at all Elementary Schools, including Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School. Breakfast is only available for those students attending the Early Morning Program because delayed breakfast service is so close to lunch service.
Be safe in your travels tomorrow and as always I will keep you updated if forecasted conditions warrant any other changes to the school day.
January 9, 2024
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools, with an important message.
The East Brunswick Board of Education and Administration believe that school security is of paramount importance and would never take any actions to compromise school security. The insinuation, on social media today, that the Board’s Security Committee has been abolished is patently false. In fact, the Board has established the Security Committee, as a standing committee, in Bylaw 0155.
Board committees, by themselves, do not have any authority and all recommendations that may come out of committee are made by the Superintendent to the entire board membership. The Board President in consultation with myself, as the Superintendent, has determined that because school security is so vitally important to all aspects of the District’s educational mission, the Security Committee will operate as a committee of the whole board – as opposed to a committee of a few board members – so that the entire Board and Administration can take part in any security-related discussions.
Be assured that there have been no changes to our district security administration or the established protocols that protect our students, staff and community.
December 22, 2023
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Today, the Board of Education accepted the retirement of Dr. Michael Vinella, Principal of East Brunswick High School, effective March 1, 2024.
The search for our new high school principal will begin immediately.
East Brunswick Public Schools is appreciative of Dr. Vinella’s work and his contributions to the high school and district. We wish him well in his future endeavors.
November 29, 2023
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Last evening, Tuesday, November 28th, Dr. Vinella, Principal of EBHS, and I presented the challenges of our current aging high school and options for renovation or replacement that could be considered by the East Brunswick community at a future referendum, most likely sometime in later 2025.
The presentation is posted on the home page of our website, as well as the QR codes we used last night to capture community feedback. The QR codes will remain active until 4 PM, Monday, December 4th.
Even if you were not able to attend last night, your voice is important to the Board of Education and administrative team. Responding to the questions, through our four distinct QR codes, is the best way to provide your input on the future of East Brunswick High School.
November 5, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I have good news to share. The high school water main repair is complete! We delivered on the timeline shared at last Monday evening’s Community Forum to address the high school closure due to a water main break under the building.
EBHS will be reopened to students and staff for classes and all other facility uses beginning tomorrow morning, Monday, November 6th.
This water line repair was more complex than most people realize. I know there was no shortage of speculation this past week about how quickly students and staff could return.
The success of completing this repair and all mandatory water testing was a culmination of the work and contributions of many, all the way though this weekend…our contractors, environmental professionals, laboratories who expedited testing, EB Township, our talented facilities team and of course our Board of Education for their ongoing support as we dealt with each new problem throughout this lengthy repair.
Finally, thank you to our high school students, staff, administration and families who navigated this unexpected disruption with our typical EB focus on excellence.
Messaging specifically for high school students and staff will be forthcoming later today directly from Dr. Vinella.
Have a great rest of your weekend and we look forward to seeing our high school students back tomorrow.
November 2, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I am sending this message to the entire East Brunswick community so everyone is informed about our high school repairs.
I will keep today’s message short. We are progressing toward reopening the high school on Monday, November 6th. At this moment we are solely dependent on getting all our required testing results. Some of those results may come as late as Saturday.
If anything changes, I will let you know as soon as I know.
Another reminder:
The SAT scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2023 has been relocated to the Churchill Junior High School – 18 Norton Road, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.
Room assignments for the Saturday, November 4th, SAT test will be posted outside the building on the windows of the front entrance. On the test day, please make sure you have an official photo ID, admission ticket, calculator and #2 pencils.
It is advisable that you leave your cell phone at home to avoid possible cancellation of scores.
Entrance doors CH 2100 also labeled as Emergency Exit # 8 open at 7:45 AM.
Testing begins at 8:00 AM.
November 1, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As promised, this is an update regarding the repairs to EBHS. We have multiple contractors working at the high school site.
Excavation has been completed and the water line has been located. A fracture in the line has been identified and repaired . The next step is to pressurize the system to ensure we do not have additional breaks. After flushing the entire water system, the excavated pit will be refilled and topped with a new concrete slab.
We continue to work toward reopening the high school for students and staff next Monday, depending on successful completion of all testing results.
Another update will be forthcoming tomorrow.
Finally, one critical reminder:
The SAT scheduled for Saturday, November 4, 2023, has been relocated to the Churchill Junior High School – 18 Norton Road, East Brunswick, NJ 08816.
Room assignments for the Saturday, November 4th, SAT test will be posted outside the building on the windows of the front entrance. On the test day, please make sure you have an official photo ID, admission ticket, calculator and #2 pencils.
It is advisable that you leave your cell phone at home to avoid possible cancellation of scores.
Entrance doors CH 2100, also labeled as Emergency Exit # 8, open at 7:45 AM.
Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 AM.
October 27, 2023
Good Evening East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Thank you to our high school teachers, students and families who have been remote the past two days. They have been actively engaged in their classes through Canvas, the District’s online learning platform, and Microsoft Teams meetings.
For the rest of the community, this what happened:
A water line supplying the high school burst underground beneath one of the corridors. Knowing that the water service to the entire building needed to be shut off while repairs commenced, I needed permission from our Executive County Superintendent and the Middlesex County Department of Health to move the high school students to remote learning and still get credit for those instructional days.
The water line repair involves excavating six to eight feet below the floor surface. We took immediate and proactive steps, guided by our contracted environmental consultants, to ensure we maintained an environmentally safe worksite and school.
Based on the reports today of the complexity of the work ahead, we will need to continue our remote instruction for East Brunswick High School ONLY through Friday, November 3rd. For all our high school families, we are trying to limit the messaging you receive today so the following are things you need to know from the high school administration and from our Child Nutrition Department:
- Next week the high school will follow our normal A and B schedules (Monday will be a B Day) but in a single session format and all high school staff will hold virtual office hours from 1:35 PM to 2:45 PM.
- The Child Nutrition Department will be offering Grab and Go breakfast and lunch meals for high school students ONLY, beginning Monday, October 30th and continuing though our remote instruction days. Meals will be distributed at the high school in front of door #9 Monday through Friday at the following times:
- Morning - 7:00 AM – 7:45 AM
- Afternoon -12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Each student’s account will be charged as we normally do…based on their meal eligibility status (paid, free or reduced). We will not be able to accept cash payments or checks.
Finally, I will be hosting an in-person repair progress and information session for interested high school parents in the JMPAC at Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School this coming Monday, October 30th, from 7-9 PM.
October 16, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
At last Thursday’s school board meeting, I made remarks about the Israel-Hamas War’s impact on our East Brunswick Public School community. Our school district is a community of many cultures, faiths and backgrounds which prides itself on acceptance, understanding and unity.
Over the past decade, we have worked tirelessly to enhance physical security for every student, staff member and community member visiting our schools. We are also committed to maintaining the student experience at EBPS by continuing all after-school events…while maintaining our high level of safety. We continue to prioritize the emotional safety of our students and staff, as well.
We have always been stronger together. I am asking families to immediately contact their child’s school if there are any concerns regarding student physical or emotional safety. We will utilize every resource at our disposal to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment for every student.
Thank you for your partnership with us that is dedicated to maintaining the well being of every member of the East Brunswick Public School Community.
September 1, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
We are EB…and we are Envisioning Big Things this year! We are ready and anxious to welcome students to the 2023-2024 school year. We look forward to highlighting student successes throughout the year, supporting our families and sharing a vision for the future of your Blue Ribbon, East Brunswick Public Schools.
Last night’s Board of Education meeting showcased some of the projects we have been working on:
- EB student performance on standardized assessments continues to show improvement. Our curricular change to enVision Math, Grades K-6, last year has already resulted in mathematics gains.
- We have developed a systematic process for tracking and analyzing students enrollment impacts on individual class capacity. We have detailed every room capacity, in every school facility, using room square footage, Board of Education Policy, NJ Department of Education facility standards, and federal Special Education class size standards. We are able to update the information real-time. This will become a valuable tool for both board decision making and informing the community about how class sizes are trending with new enrollment.
- Also, we presented the work of the Board of Education’s Ad Hoc Committee for a new high school. Community members spent last school year looking at the feasibility of replacing East Brunswick High School with a completely new, grades 9-12, facility as compared to moving the 9th grade to the high school and renovating the entire facility in multiple stages.
To be clear, a new high school has not been approved by the board. Any new school or renovations to the existing school would need to be approved by the community in a referendum vote. We will keep you updated on our high school planning progress and a community forum designed to get your ideas and feedback.
Finally, as we prepare for school opening, Transportation has been able to assign buses to those students, eligible for transportation, who have been registered with East Brunswick Public Schools up to and including August 29, 2023. Please check your parent Access under “Documents” for your student’s bus pass.
We encourage all parents to check their student’s bus passes in case of updated information.
We are looking forward to the first day of school, next Wednesday, September 6th.
Until then, have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.
August 15, 2023
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I would like to provide a few updates and school opening guidance as we approach our first day of school which is Wednesday, September 6th. Student forms that need to be completed annually are now available through Parent Access.
All forms need to be submitted no later than Wednesday, August 30th. If you do not have internet access, please reach out to your child’s school for assistance.
On Friday, August 25th at 3 PM, student schedules and teacher assignments will be available through Parent Access. Bus passes will be available on Monday, August 28th after 3 PM through Parent Access.
I hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer.
July 14, 2023
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I am pleased to share that last evening at the Board of Education Meeting, the Board approved two new elementary principals.
Mr. Russell Petronko as the new Principal of Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School. Mr. Petronko has been a teacher in the District, was an Assistant Principal at Hammarskjold Middle School and most recently was an Assistant Principal at East Brunswick High School.
In addition, I am pleased to share that the Board approved Ms. Tatianna McBride as the new Principal of Chittick Elementary School. Ms. McBride has been an elementary teacher, instructional coach and Director of Curriculum and will be joining our administrative team in August.
Join me in welcoming Mr. Petronko to Hammarskjold and Ms. McBride to Chittick.
I hope everyone is having a great summer.