- Robert Frost Elementary School
- General Classroom Information
General Information
* All students will go outside for 20 minutes of fresh air and exercise every day when it is warmer than 32 degrees.
If your child has a medical need which prohibits him/her from going out please send a doctor's note to the nurse.
* Please check your child's homework planner every day for up to date information on assignments as well as his/her daily behavior.
*If for any reason your child is not taking his/her usual transportation home, you must send a note into school informing the school of this change. Include the date(s) this change will occur as well as your signature and a way for us to reach you during the day. If transportation changes during the day for that same day, please call the office. Thank you!
* We have snack every afternoon around 2:15. Please pack your child's snack separately from his/her lunch. We kindly ask that you pack a NUT-FREE snack. The teachers and nurse do not provide snack. Snacks may not be shared among the students for health purposes.
* If your child is being sent to school with money, please send it in an envelope or wallet labeled with your child's name. Please DO NOT send loose money to school with your child.* Electronic devices and trading cards are not permitted at Frost School
*If your child would like to celebrate his/her birthday in school, they may bring in the following nonfood items:
* pencils, stickers
* donate a favorite book to class library* School Store gift certificate
* donate an in-door recess game
*If your child will be handing out invitations in school, please make sure that EVERYONE in the class is invited. Invitations may not be handed out to only a few children in school.
Thank you for your ongoing support. Your classroom donations, participation, and volunteerism really make a difference in your child's education. We appreciate all you do, and THANK YOU!