• books

    How many books may my child borrow from the Media Center?
    PK, Kindergarten, First, and Second graders may borrow 1 book per
    Third, Fourth, and Fifth graders may borrow 2 books per week.

    How long may my child keep their library book before it is due?

    PK, K,1,and 2 may keep their books for one week.
    Grades 3, 4, and 5 may keep their books for two weeks.

    Are there fines for overdue books?

    No, we do not charge a fine for an overdue book. However, if a
    child has not returned his/her book on the day it is due, he/she
    will not be allowed to borrow another book until the book is
    found and returned. If a book is lost or damaged, Mrs. Fernandez
    will inform you as to the cost to replace the book.
    It is my hope that students will take excellent care of any materials that they borrow.