• Meeting the Needs of All Learners

    Performing Arts

    Ms. Michelle DaGrosa, Supervisor of Arts Education
    Shannon Akeru, Secretary


    Performing, creating and responding to music or theatre are fundamental processes in which humans engage. It has long been recognized that children are naturally drawn to the performing arts through their free creative play. A formal education in the performing arts has many benefits for students. Through a sequential education in the performing arts, students learn various ways to communicate their ideas, thoughts and feelings, develop poise and self-esteem and chart a course towards an enriched quality of life. In alignment with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for the Visual and Performing Arts,  East Brunswick Schools offers a comprehensive program in Music and Theatre Arts for all students.

    Music has been identified as a fundamental human function since the earliest recorded histories of civilization. The school district delivers music instruction to all students through a variety of courses that are designed for their diverse talents, interests and proficiencies. Certified specialists in all schools follow a sequential district-wide curriculum. In grades kindergarten through four, general music instruction is provided one time per week for 60 minutes.  Additionally, students may choose optional instruction on a string or band instrument beginning in Grade 4. Each beginner student musician receives 40 minutes of small group lesson instruction on a rotating schedule. After a sufficient degree of proficiency is reached, district-wide bands and orchestras are formed.

    Upper Elementary is a time for further arts exploration and it is where formal instruction in Theatre Arts commences. All students gain broad-based exposure to general music and theatre arts through cycle courses in fifth and sixth grades while Dance, Theatre, Piano, Band, Chorus and Orchestra round out the performing arts program as elective courses open to the students. Students receive both small group and full ensemble instruction in Band and Orchestra.

    Band, Orchestra and Chorus continue to be offered as elective courses for seventh, eighth and ninth graders at Churchill Junior High School. Again, group lessons continue to be part of the course requirements for band and orchestra students. New Jersey's arts standards require that students develop competency in at least one Arts discipline (Dance, Music, Theatre or Visual Arts), and many students choose to continue to develop this in the vocal and instrumental program. At the junior high level, other pathways to developing competency in music are introduced and include The World of Digital Music, Piano, Theatre and Filmmaking.

    East Brunswick High School has one of the most comprehensive performing arts programs in New Jersey. Academic and applied music and theatre courses are offered on an elective basis. Courses include Acting Workshops at three different levels, Stagecraft, Mask and Movement, Advanced Placement Music, Musicianship, Singing for Musical Theatre, both Beginner and Advanced Digital Music Courses, Band, Chorus, Orchestra as well as Beginner Piano and Piano Workshop. Courses in which enrollment is by audition only, are: Bella Voce, Concert Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and Wind Ensemble. These auditioned ensembles receive honors credit. East Brunswick High School students also have the opportunity to participate in other extracurricular performing organizations, such as Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble, a host of small vocal ensembles and theatrical troupe productions. East Brunswick High School is recognized as a New Jersey Model School for the Arts.

    The district’s performing arts program provides students with opportunities to develop a variety of skills and cultivate their individual talents in a supportive and artistically challenging environment.