
    Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School PTA is an organization of parents and teachers brought together for the benefit of our children. By having meetings with community and school leaders, conducting fundraisers to support school purchases and cultural arts assemblies, and by sponsoring social events to have fun with friends, our PTA strives to enhance our children's overall educational experience and to give parents a more direct voice in our school.

    Whether you attend a meeting, volunteer at an event, or support a fundraiser, we look forward to hearing from you.

    Join today!


    Don't forget to like us on Facebook... HUES PTA
    The Hammarskjold PTA Executive Board:

    Marianne Tanious, President

    Christine Grossmann, Co-President

    Tashana Potter, Treasurer 

    Heather James, Secretary   

    Dovey Gill, VP Fundraising 

    Kym Labrada, VP Fundraising 

    Christine Wall, VP Memberships


    email: huespta@gmail.com


Last Modified on Friday at 9:44 AM