Fees are due on a monthly basis and billed through the online system. A late fee of $20 per month will be assessed if payment is received after the 15th of each month. If the June payment is not received by May 15, students will be unable to attend in June. A fee of $20 will be charged and is due in money order form for each returned check. Late fees will be assessed for pick-ups after 6:00 PM from the ASK program. If payment is overdue for three months, the student will no longer be able to attend, and legal action will be taken. Should you need to suspend the program and re-enroll during the year, a fee of $20 will be charged for each re-enrollment. If it is necessary to make a program change (i.e. change from a Full-day to Half-day, adding programs, etc.), there will be a fee charged beginning with the second change.