• Self-Care Tips

    1. Find someone to talk to, someone you can trust to share how you’re feeling with. This could be a parent, counselor, teacher, friend, sibling, or anyone else you trust.  It’s important to get things off our chests and realize that we are not alone.
    2. Move your body. Go for a walk or a run, dance like a crazy person in your bedroom, play a sport you love, whatever works for you!  This will help release any pent up emotions and creates positive endorphins in our brains.
    3. Go out in nature. Go for a walk, sit in the park or your back yard, go to the beach, or for a hike.  It’s calming to be in the moment and feel connected to the beauty around us.  Nature also reminds us that our problems are just a small piece in a bigger world.
    4. Drink water. Drinking a big glass of water while you are upset can help “reset” and ground you.  It’s also important to stay hydrated.  Things feel much more overwhelming if our bodies are depleted.
    5. Journal. Writing about your feelings can help up get them out and help you process them in a more positive way.  This can be especially true if you feel uncomfortable sharing how you feel with others all the time. Drawing, poetry, and other art can also work as a type of journal.
    6. Breathe. Calming breaths can help take us back to the present moment and remind us that we are okay.  There are all types of different breathing exercises available, some of which can online, including the Breathing App.  Find one that works for you!
    7. Treat yourself! Take care of yourself and do something that brings you joy. When we’re feeling down we can forget to do things for ourselves, but even doing small things to treat yourself can make a difference.
    8. Hug someone. Hugging our loved ones has been shown to increase wellbeing. Hug your parents, friends, family members, even your pets the next time you feel down.
    9. Gratitude. Write down a list of as many things you can think of that you are grateful for in your life. Gratitude exercises can help change our outlook and remind us of the blessings in our life, big and small.
    10. Add your own personal tools. You can add anything to this list that makes you feel better or helps you process through negative emotions in a healthy way. It’s all about what works for you!self care