• Tips for Learning at Home

    Tips for Learning at Home  

     Set Up a Learning Space

    Learning Space         Learning Space


     Setting up a designated learning area can be done in a few cheap and easy steps and can be set up on any surface in your home. A simple tri-fold board helps to give your child some privacy while learning and also decrease the amount of visual distractions that are in their learning space. 

    A pencil case helps to keep any writing materials in close reach. A calendar can be used to keep track of important dates, schedule for virtual clas meetings and due dates for assignments. A pocket sleeve/page protector or a pocket folder can help keep important papers and documents organized. 

    Displayed in these pictures is also a book light to help keep the area well lit!

    The following link is a 9 minute YouTube video that was created to help parents navigate using Google Classroom.

    How to Use Google Classroom for Parents

    Parenting During COVID 

    Below is link that is a resource for parents and how to adapt to our ever changing world around us. The document includes factual information about COVID-19, homework help, helping your child learn at home, helping your child to succeed, strategies for online learning and supplemental resources and references. 

    Parenting During COVID

     Staying Active

    Virtual learning can lead to a certain level of inactivity. It is important for students to take breaks from sitting behind the computer or sitting at a table completing their work so they can move their body! Click the link below to find simple, easy exercises that can be done by anyone, anywhere at anytime!


    Don't forget about YOU!

    It is so easy for all of your focus as a parent to be on your child, especially during this season of life where you are taking on new roles as a parent that you have not had to in the past. You cannot take care of others without taking care of yourself. So as a stewardess would say, put your mask on before your put on someone else's mask! (No 'mask' pun intended!)

    Click the link below to find ways to take care of you. Self care is not just about getting your nails done and having a spa day (although those things are lovely!) Find simple, easy ways to calm and destress your mind, body and soul during these ever stressful days we are experiencing!

    Adult Self Care