- East Brunswick Public Schools
- Dr. Valeski's Current Messages
- Messages from Victor Valeski 2019-2020 School Year
Superintendent's Message
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June 2, 2020
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
I needed time to reflect...our confinement and isolation have given each of us and our families a front row seat to the social unrest unfolding throughout our cities and country. In addition to television coverage, we are all subjected to continuous doses of social media imagery and commentary.
As your school leader, I am heartbroken over the senseless loss of life...over George Floyd and all those before him. Countless peaceful public assemblies represent the pain and suffering felt throughout our society.
East Brunswick Public Schools has a rich tapestry represented by people of many colors, religions, cultures and genders. Collectively, this diversity is what makes #EBSchoolsStrong. Equity has been a priority for EB but it comes with the acknowledgement that this type of work is continuous.
I wish I had all the answers. We can choose to be blind to the differences among us. Instead, I have a request...I ask you to join me in the celebration of our differences and the opportunities they present. In addition to Excellence in Academics, Athletics and Arts it is time to add and maintain excellence in our school atmosphere as part of our school and societal narrative...for our students...for our families...for our entire EB school community.
Victor Valeski,
Superintendent of Schools
June 2, 2020
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As we prepare to wrap up our virtual school year you will receive a message from your child’s principal about dates, times and procedures regarding collecting essential personal material that may have been left in schools when we closed mid-March. They will also share procedures for returning “district owned” material to schools. These school specific procedures must be followed to ensure everyone’s safety.
We will be hosting a virtual graduation for the Class of 2020 on June 17th at 11AM. I hope everyone will join in the celebration of the accomplishments of this group of talented students. Additionally, we continue to monitor Governor Murphy’s daily press briefings for relaxation of the limitations currently imposed by Executive Order 148 and NJ Department of Education directives on any in-person celebration of graduation. Here is what we know today:
- Any in-person outdoor celebration may only occur on or after July 6th.
- The Governor’s Executive Order 148 limits any in-person celebration of graduation events up to a maximum of 25 individuals, inclusive of students, families, faculty and security.
- We must submit plans for any in-person celebration of graduation and be approved at least one week prior to the scheduled event.
Our collective focus, this summer, will be developing actions plans for returning to school this September. Our Recovery, Refocus and Rebuilding buttons on the homepage of our website continue to provide a view of our ongoing priorities.
May 21, 2020
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This Is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
As we continue to monitor CDC Guidelines, Governor Murphy’s Executive Orders and directives from the NJ Department of Education, all district summer programs will be held virtually for the Summer of 2020. Those families who have students involved in summer programs, including ESY, ESL, Basic Skills and Community Programs, will receive communication from your respective program administrator in the coming days.
I know continued virtualization of instruction creates challenges but current circumstances dictate that we cannot gather students in confined spaces this summer.
In spite of this news, I wish everyone a safe and relaxing Memorial Day holiday. We are on the way to beginning our recovery.
Have a great day.
May 4, 2020
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
Governor Murphy announced today, during his COVID press briefing, that schools shall remain closed for the remainder of this school year. I know this news elicits a flood of emotions. Everyone is tired of being isolated. Teaching, learning and delivering services in a distance environment, under the best of circumstances, has challenges but the East Brunswick Schools Community has risen to and exceeded every challenge.
This will always be the school year interrupted. Every student, teacher, staff member and family has been directly affected. For our high school seniors, this interruption has forever changed countless experiences that have become rites of passage for generations of graduating EB students.
Safety, as well as compliance with the Governor’s Executive Orders and state issued guidelines, will define how we plan each new step. Unfortunately, the “traditional prom” planned for this year’s Senior Class will be canceled. We have been working on a variety of options for graduation, each dependent on our condition and constraints as we approach our graduation date. We are moving forward with a plan to create a virtual graduation, with a customized approach, just as we are doing with numerous end of year activities throughout the district. Certainly, it does not replace a face to face event but it will be the best we can make it.
I will be setting up the homepage of our website for future messaging that will align with three categories...Recovery, Refocusing and Rebuilding. Details will continue to be shared as we begin the path to safely reopening our schools. Be assured that every decision in our Recovery Phase will be guided by:
- Analysis of the spaces we utilize for teaching, learning, gathering and transporting
- Placement and organization of students and staff in those spaces
- Integration of medical, social and emotional supports with academics
- Communication that is timely, accurate and consistent for families and Township leaders
- Environmental safety
- Security
I know the importance of “your” school district in your decision to live in East Brunswick. On behalf of the entire EB team, we work hard everyday to uphold the trust you have given us. We will get through this together...we are #EBSchoolsStrong.
April 15, 2020
Good Morning East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I’d like to express my continued appreciation for the hard work and effort that our students and staff are exhibiting during distance learning. I also appreciate and recognize the tremendous contributions our families are making to support student learning during this time. The social media posts showing student/family participation in authentic learning activities are impressive and inspiring. Engaging with our school community in this virtual way has allowed us to see creativity, enthusiasm, and a genuine love of learning - something we strive for in our classrooms every day that we are together.
Important Grading Information:
3rd Marking period grades will be posted on the Parent Portal on April 20, 2020. 4th Marking period grading guidance is as follows:
For Elementary Grades K-5:
During this time of distance learning, there are many variables and constraints that preclude us from conventionally assessing our K-5 students the way we would with a traditional elementary report card. In order to recognize our students' effort and growth during distance learning, teachers will provide ongoing feedback on each student’s progress in lieu of a traditional report card.
For Secondary Grades 6-12:
For our secondary students, grades will be recorded and a report card will be issued. Grades will be based on participation and assignments. All students will be exempt from final exams. Students will be graded weekly so they can track their progress in each class. Teachers will update grades in Genesis weekly. Parent Access will remain viewable. Students may request a course be graded Pass/Fail for 4th marking period by contacting their teacher and/or school counselor. Additional details regarding 4th marking period grading will be shared with you in the near future by your child’s principal.
As always, I remain confident that all students will maintain academic integrity and put forth their finest efforts. Thank you for the commitment you’ve shown in partnering with your child’s teachers to maintain the East Brunswick Public Schools’ high expectations for teaching and learning!
I wish the best for each of you and your families.
April 14, 2020
Good Evening East Brunswick Community,
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
I know better than anyone that our warmer weather draws us to be outside and I know we miss being around each other. I hope you understand that during this critical time of possible community transmission of the Coronavirus, I must keep our playgrounds and outdoor athletic facilities closed with the exception of our high school track. The track will remain open for public use as long as we can comply with social distancing standards.
This action is for everyone's safety and for our compliance with Governor Murphy's Executive Orders, issued during this pandemic.
Thank you all, in advance, for your cooperation.
April 3, 2020
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
It’s you know who by now...Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools.
At the conclusion of three weeks of distance learning I wanted to share with you personally that I miss all the people who help define the excellence of East Brunswick Public Schools...the entire EBPS team, our greater community and your children. I know you are all feeling the same way.
As we continue to adjust to our new normal in the virtual world, we understand that stress is very real and plays a dominant role in many households, within our community, during this time. Balancing the mental health and academic success of our students continues to be of great importance.
For those families wishing to keep their child engaged in learning during Spring Recess, please be sure to check out the resources on the home page of our district website, including NJTV Learning Live for grades 3-6.
A few other notes:
I know parents and families have questions. As you know, our world continues to change daily. I will have more detail on our path forward for at least April 13th to the 30th and will share grading plans with you after our break.
For parents and families needing technical support with student devices, please email: ParentSupport@ebnet.org
I hope you and your families remain safe and healthy.
March 27,2020
Good Afternoon East Brunswick Community,
By now, we all understand we are navigating uncharted territory in so many ways…
Thank you for your support, commitment and dedication to your child’s education. I know you have all been thrust into roles you never expected, all while continuing to work from home yourself or trying to manage family care logistics.
Social distancing is keeping us apart, yet we continue to work together by remote access. Through the work of countless people, we activated distance learning…and we know it’s not perfect. Our dedicated team of professionals work every day to refine instruction, assessment and feedback.
Yesterday, Governor Murphy announced, “We will not be prepared to revisit the closure (of schools) until at least April 17th, at the very earliest.” Preparing for the extension of school closure, the next best step in our distance learning journey is to provide “virtual” instruction for all students. As we venture into video instruction, I ask families to help me ensure these videos are not shared, posted or altered in any way. They are for instructional purposes only!
As all our teachers prepare to provide instructional video support to students, the district is planning professional development as follows for Monday, March 30th and Tuesday, March 31st:
Instructional hours for East Brunswick High School and Churchill Junior High School will begin at 10:15 AM. There will be no morning office hours on Monday, March 30th or Tuesday, March 31st. Hammarskjold Middle School and all Elementary Schools will follow an early dismissal schedule. Please be mindful that HMS and Elementary staff may not be available to respond to emails in the afternoon.
The third marking period ends on Friday, April 3rd. Report Cards will be issued as planned on Monday, April 20th. Spring Break will continue as scheduled, April 6th-10th.
Additionally, the New Jersey Department of Education has informed districts that there will be no state standardized tests administered this spring. This includes NJSLA, ACCESS for ELLs, and DLM.
Just a reminder, it is important that students continue to participate in instruction to the fullest extent possible. My entire staff is available to support you. Please do not hesitate to communicate with your child’s teacher if there are circumstances that prohibit your child from completing school work in a timely fashion. School counselors are available if your family needs support during this difficult time. As always, timely and important school district updates are on our website, including additional educational resources. Please check them frequently, as they do change from day to day.
We will get through this together...#EBSchoolsStrong!
Victor Valeski
Superintendent of Schools
March 11, 2020: School Closing Clarification
Good Evening East Brunswick Community
This is Victor Valeski, Superintendent of Schools
I know this is a late call, but it is an important one. Tonight, we have fielded countless calls and emails about our school closing and I understand your concerns. We are aware of numerous social media posts that are inaccurate. As always, I wanted everyone to hear directly from me: My move to close schools was precautionary. As of this evening at 9:45 PM no East Brunswick Public Schools staff member or student has been suspected or tested for Coronavirus. We will continue to work closely with the New Jersey Department of Health, the New Jersey Department of Education, and East Brunswick Township to coordinate our actions and recovery from this extremely stressful situation.
Please remain confident that the entire East Brunswick team has the safety and security of all students, staff and community members as their top priority.
Victor Valeski
Superintendent of Schools