East Brunswick Public Schools General Education Inclusive Preschool


    General Education Inclusive Preschool registration requires pre-approval from the Student Services & Activities Department.  Please call 732-613-6750 for information.


    Student and parent/legal guardian must reside in East Brunswick at the time of registration.  (Anticipated new home closings or future leases will not be accepted.

    East Brunswick Proof of Residency Requirements for Registration

    • A Deed or current mortgage statement (for homeowners) OR entire current lease (for renters) in the name of parent/guardian.
    • A minimum of two different utility bills, currently dated (within 30 days), which include parent/guardian's name and reflect an East Brunswick address are required. (i.e. gas, electric, cable, water/sewer, etc.)
      • Confirmation of utility service or printed online statements are acceptable and must be presented at the time of registration.  If you have just moved to your East Brunswick home, you have 30 days to provide current utility bills. 
    • Registrants who do not own or lease their own home, but are domiciled with a valid East Brunswick resident must complete a residency form and affidavit to be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent's office.  This process must be completed prior to student registration.  If you live with an East Brunswick resident, please call 732-613-6751 for information.

    Required Student Records 

    • Program Acceptance Letter
    • Student's birth certificate or other proof of identity
    • Student's current immunization records provided at the time of registration
    • Please note that for any custody issues, legal documentation must be provided.

  • 5 days/week- two-and-one half (2½) hours per day AM or PM
    Location is determined based on student enrollment and room availability.

    This preschool program is open to 3 and 4-year-old children residing in East Brunswick. To be eligible for the 2023-2024 school year, children must be three years of age by October 31, 2024 and not age eligible for kindergarten (5 years of age by October 31, 2024). Children must also be toilet trained.

    This program provides an inclusive educational environment for preschool children aligned with the New Jersey Department of Education Preschool Teaching & Learning Expectations:Standards of Quality.  The classes, taught by certified teachers and supported by paraprofessional aides, include both typically developing and special needs preschool children.  This program provides an inclusive educational environment for preschool children aligned with the New Jersey Preschool Teaching and Learning Expectations.  

    This fee based program is five days per week and follows the ten-month school calendar. The fee is waived for families who are eligible for free and reduced lunch.  Transportation for this program is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.

    Application Process:
    Step 1: Fill-out application online

    Step 2: Fill-out the eligibility form and mail or drop off to: Karen Keegan, Administration Building: 760 Route 18, East Brunswick, NJ 08816

    Applications for the General Education Inclusive Preschool must be received by March 22, 2024. Please send completed applications to: Assistant Superintendent of Student Activities/Services East Brunswick Public Schools 760 Route 18 East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816.

    A limited number of openings will be available. Requests for specific sessions will be considered based on the number of applicants. However, there are no guarantees for parental requested placements. A lottery drawing will occur in April 2024 if the number of applicants exceeds the openings. If there are any questions, call the office of the Assistant Superintendent of Student Activities and Services at 732-613-6750.

    If you are concerned that your preschool child ages three to five may have a developmental delay in motor, social, and/or language areas, or if your child has a diagnosed disability, call the Special Education Department-(732) 613-6748.

    Once you have received an acceptance letter from our office, please follow the directions below.  The registration office can be contacted at 732-613-6980 if you have questions.

    Two-Step Registration Process - ALL MUST BE COMPLETED FOR EACH STUDENT

    Step 1: Pre-Register EACH student

    Step 2: Compile additional documentation and print registration packets

    • Print and complete the correct registration packet using the links below - SINGLE SIDED COPIES ONLYA registration packet is required for each child you wish to register. Compile all additional required documents on the registration checklist.  ALL DOCUMENTS AND COMPLETED REGISTRATION PACKETS MUST BE DROPPED OFF AT THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING.
    • Enrollment packet for Preschool click here.



    • Registration appointments will not take place in person.
    • There are no phone/zoom meetings for student registration.  
    • Completed packets are required for each child you wish to register.
    • Please keep in mind that in the event of delayed opening, early closing or school cancellation due to inclement weather, the administration building will also be closed. This information will be posted to our website for your convenience.