• Programs and Enrichment

    Student Assistance Specialists and School Counseling provide services to students to help them in a variety of ways.  Building a positive school climate where students feel physically and emotionally safe and respected as a member of their school community is the main focus of the Student Assistance Program.  Research shows that when students feel connected in their school environment they are more likely to succeed academically and avoid risky behaviors.  

    Counseling Services

    Individual Counseling. Student Assistance Specialists and School Counselors provide individual supportive counseling as well as group counseling for all students in need of support.  Individual counseling typically focuses on setting social and emotional goals as well as navigating friendship and emotion regulation. Students can come down to the counseling office to schedule an appointment with their counselor at any time. Students and parents may also call or email to schedule an appointment.

    Group Counseling. The counseling department offers counseling groups throughout the school year addressing a variety of topics. Group sessions usually run for 8-10 weeks based on the needs of the students.  Groups are available to all students who wish to participate.  Teachers and counselors make group recommendations based on needs they observe and/or parent input.  Groups include: Changing Families, Social Skills, Self-Esteem, Self- Advocacy, Anger Management, New Student, Study Skills, GASP (Gay and Straight Peers) to name a few.


    Naviance is a web-based college and career exploration tool available to all secondary students. You will be using this program throughout your East Brunswick School career. At Hammarskjold, all sixth grade students will be completing The Learning Style Inventory. The Learning Style Inventory will help you better understand your personal learning style and ways in which you learn best. All seventh grade students will be completing The Career Key. The Career Key will guide you to match your personality traits with potential future career paths. As you move on to Churchill and the High School, you will continue using Naviance to complete additional tasks that will help you to better plan for your future. Naviance is a great tool for you and your school counselor to communicate about upcoming events and important school reminders.  Your school counselor may also assign you tasks to help you reach your academic goals. Please be sure to check your Naviance account regularly. 

    Naviance Log-in Instructions

    Sources of Strength

    The mission of SOS is to provide the highest quality evidence-based prevention for suicide, violence, bullying and substance abuse by training, supporting, and empowering both peer leaders and caring adults to impact their world through the power of connection, hope, help and strength.  The believe is that many strengths are more powerful than one, and our united goal is to activate and mobilize these strengths in ways that positively change individuals and communities.

    SOS is in its 4th year of inception at Churchill and EBHS, and is in the process of being rolled out to HMS in 2018! 

    click here for more information

    Olweus Bullying Prevention Program

    The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is designed to improve peer relations    and make schools safer, more positive places for students to learn and     develop. Goals of the program include: reducing existing bullying problems    among students, preventing the development of new bullying problems, and achieving better peer relations at school.  The Olweus Program helps to create an environment in which students feel both physically and emotionally safe

    click here for more information

    Second Step 

    The Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program gives students the tools to excel in and out of the classroom. Second Step is an evidence based social-emotional learning program taught in grades K-8 in our district.  Units in K-5 include, skills for learning, empathy, emotion management and problem solving.  Grades 6-8 cover themes including, mindsets and goals, values and friendships, thoughts, emotions, and decisions, and peer conflict.  Lessons are taught through story and discussions, short video vignettes, role plays, and literature.

    click here for more information

    School Safety/Climate Teams

    Since 2013, all New Jersey Public Schools are required to have School Safety/Climate   Teams (SSCT).  This team is co- facilitated by the Principal and the Anti-Bullying Specialist   (Student Assistance Specialist).  The team is comprised of a group of people who are   responsible for maintaining a positive and safe school environment. The Principal selects   the members of the SSCT, which must include the Principal or designee, a teacher, the   school Anti-Bullying Specialist, a parent, and any other members the principal believes are   important to be on the SSCT. The committee usually meets monthly and reviews any trends of HIB in their school, current HIB cases, and climate issues.  They coordinate and plan activities (classroom or building based) to address patterns that they see.  In addition, they organize events geared towards improving school climate.  Examples of these events include assemblies and programming for Week of Respect and School Violence Prevention Week.

    Traumatic Loss Coalition

    Student Assistance Specialists and School Counselors participate in the Middlesex County Traumatic Loss Coalition.  The monthly meetings provide great connections to resources in the county such as Mobile Crisis, The Center for Empowerment, Counseling Agencies, and Grief Resources for children and families.  The TLC is an interactive, statewide network that offers collaboration and support to professionals working with school-age youth. The dual mission of the TLC is excellence in suicide prevention and trauma response assistance to schools following unfortunate losses due to suicide, homicide, accident and illness. This is accomplished through county, regional and statewide conferences, training, consultation, onsite traumatic loss response, and technical assistance. The purpose is to ensure that those working with youth from a variety of disciplines and programs have up-to-date knowledge about mental health issues, suicide prevention, traumatic grief, and resiliency enhancement. Since its inception, the TLC has trained thousands of individuals with the purpose of saving lives and promoting post trauma healing and resiliency for the youth of NJ.

    click here for more information