• The Common Core State Standards call for high levels of writing proficiency. Meeting these standards requires a planned, sequential, explicit writing program, with instruction that gives students repeated opportunities to practice each kind of writing and to receive explicit, assessment-informed feedback at frequent intervals. The tools in these units of study can be the bedrock of such a writing program.”

    —Lucy Calkins

    Unit 1 Writing Personal Narratives


    Students will begin the year writing Personal Narratives. We hope to inspire all students and feel that their lives are worth writing about. They will learn to write with honesty and precision, and learn that they are part of a community of writers who will help them through the writing process.  We will study mentor texts from this genre. Some will be published writing and others will be student samples. These students have been learning personal narratives for a few years, so I am hoping they bring to this class all they have learned in previous years. I feel the biggest difference from 5th grade to 6th grade writing is that students need to take ownership of their writing and learning and bring all the strategies they have accumulated in past years. These personal narratives will move away from just a small moment in time to writing with more significance; What did you learn from this time in your life?

    Please help your child think of times in their lives when they realized something about themselves, overcame an obstacle, or grew from an experience they had.

    Please click here to look at the Rubric for Personal Narratives. Meeting Grade Level for this writing is a 14.